Sunday 6 November 2016

Q4.1 Create a Digital Code of Conduct for education institutes. Please think of how you would reinforce and manage it, include this into your ‘Code of Conduct’. This would be a guideline for the institutes that they can then adapt to their specific requirements.

Image result for code of conduct images

10 Points of netiquette
  1. Showing respect to the lectures in and out the class room
  2. Treating people the same way u want to be treated.
  3. Be forgiving and listen for what others are saying.
  4. Use the common language that all can understand and agree on that
  5. Do don’t criticize or discriminate others about their background.
  6. Always think before you say anything.
  7. Following all the instruction the way they are told.
  8. Be in a save area and feel comfortable if not move to the space that is save for you
  9. Be part of the team play or perform your role as a team player
  10. Be honest to yourself so that you can be honest to others

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Penalties for failing meeting this
  1. For treating others in a bed manner and using strong language you will be expelled.
  2. Not respecting time to attend the lectures lesson the lecture have the right to make you stay outside for an hour or not to return until the next session
  3. By not listening and using things like computers or school resource with unrespect will for the computer and internet the IT department have the right the disable your account and not to switch it on until you tell the truth and apologies.
  4. For not being hornet to yourself you will end up with wrong people that will make you do wrong things and skip class and for that you won’t be able to write exams because you won’t qualify for them because you don’t attend classes and you will fail.

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